Saturday, December 10, 2011

Reason #24 - He Gave His Son

My heart has been full these past two days. The beautiful verse in 1 John 4:19 has become so much more real to me.

"We love Him, because He first loved us."

In the past, when I thought of the cross, I always thought of Christ's sacrifice. Of Christ's pain. Of Christ's suffering. "Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for a friend." And He loved me, while I was yet a sinner, despising Him and fleeing from His grace.

Yes, it is incredible to think of the sacrifice that Christ made that we might live. Yet, somehow I had never really considered the breathtaking love of the Father to make such a decision to send His Son for this lost world.

My dad mentioned yesterday that he had a 20- minute Youtube video he wanted to show my Mom and sister and me, and so we all crowded around the computer. The video portrayed in a very small way what the Father must have experienced as He watched His Son die (you can view it above). I could not hold the tears back as I understood for a tiny moment the awesome fact -

He loved His Son. But He loved me just as much.

He could have saved His Son. But He chose to save me instead.

Oh and when I understand this fact - that He LOVED me - how can I not love Him in return? How can I not adore Him? How can I not be willing to forsake all, just to sit at His feet to learn to love Him more?

1 John 4:10 - "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins."

May each of us learn to embrace the Father's indescribable love in our lives.

I love my Lord, because He gave His Son.


  1. Hello Ms. Kate,

    I loved this post! I would like to invite you and your sweet sister Christa over but I do not have your addresses to send you the invitation. Would you mind emailing me your address if you get a chance today (my email can be found on my blog)? Sorry to contact you via blog comment, but I wasn't sure how else to get in touch with you!

    -Kathryn Ingels

  2. Oh Kate, this video and post gave a whole new meaning to the song "How Deep the Father's Love For Us." That has been a favorite for a while now, but now it has so much more depth. Thank you for sharing this Kate, and thank you for giving me one more reason to love my Lord. :) Love you!
