One of my favorite people in the Bible is someone that I really don't know much about. I believe this man is only mentioned 3 different times total in the Bible. (not including the references to his name in genealogies.) He is in the royal lineage of Jesus, and he was one of the two men in the Bible who never died. (the other being Elijah.)
This man's name is Enoch.
And why am I so fascinated with Enoch??
Genesis chapter 5 gives us a genealogy - a long list of men who lived for hundreds of years and "begat" many sons and daughters, and then they died. The average, normal life. Nothing really special to mention about them.
And then in the midst of this list comes Enoch (verse 22). The text doesn't tell us that Enoch lived for however many hundred years. He walked with God.
And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah (his son) three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters... And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
In the midst of millions of individuals currently on this earth who are simply "living" - how many of us as Christ-followers are taking up the challenge to walk with God? I know that too often I'm not. But oh, this is the desire of my heart!! That when I die, people wouldn't simply say "she lived for ___ years." No, that they would say "here is a woman who walked with God all the days of her life."
In the famous "Hall of Faith" passage in Hebrews 11, we are told that Enoch had this testimony: that he pleased God. Here is a man that I want to be like! Oh Lord, strengthen me that my life would also be pleasing to you!
But here is the thing that amazes me the most. Yes, Enoch walked with God. But this also means that God walked with Enoch.
Do we realize what this looks like?? The God Who created the universe, Who holds all things together, Who knows all things and controls all things...GOD HIMSELF chose to walk day by day with a MAN.
I ask with the psalmist, David: "What is man, that Thou art mindful of him??" (Ps 8:4)
And we know that He is no respecter of persons. If He did it with Enoch, He'll do it with me. The choice is very clearly not up to Him. It's up to me.
The God of the universe holds out His hand to each of us. He will walk with us, if we choose to walk with Him.
I love my Lord, because He walks with me.
Wow! That is a great point (and I never really thought of it like that)! This was a great post! Even though the Bible doesn't mention Enoch very much, the little things it does say, can encourage, and inspire us! Thanks so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteBecause Of Him,
I have always loved the "Footsteps" story for this reason--because the reminder that God walks with me (and usually carries me) is one I need often. Thank you for that!