"For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called" (Isaiah 54:5).
Isn't that beautiful? I'm 19 years old, and I'm a girl, and girls love to dream, and girls love romance stories and fairy tales. Prince and Princess ride off in the sunset on a noble white steed into the sunset, and they live happily ever after. *sigh*
And so go the stories...stories that would have me believe I can never be happy as a single girl. Stories that would whisper in my ear, "You'll never be complete until that special someone comes into your life..."
I beg to differ!!
Right now, at this very moment, I have a Husband! I have a Lover! And this is no ordinary groom, but my soul's Husband willingly laid down His life for me.
Oh, how I wish I could know the extent of his love for me. How I wish I could understand the depth of His commitment to me. And how I wish that I could love Him more.
Yes, what a beautiful paradox! Right now, even as a single girl, I am married. I love being single, and I'm truly content right now! I love the freedom that comes from being unmarried, the freedom to be able to focus undistractedly on my Lord. And I don't want to lose sight of that. As more and more of my friends began dating or courting or getting married, I don't want to fall away from my Maker and my Husband, and began dreaming of an earthly man.
Yes, I look forward to being married one day, and falling in love with a man. But until that day comes, I am satisfied. I am more than satisfied.
I wrote the song below so I could sing it and remind myself: "I am His bride!"
Castles in the clouds, Starry-eyed dreams
Fluttering hearts, “Does he love me?”
Fragile hopes, Shattered dreams
Broken hearts - all this I see.
I have found love – vast and free
Love that spilled its blood for me.
How could I resist His tender call?
How could I resist Love giving all?
My heart has found its One true Love
Oh, this is my first Romance.
Hand in mine, walks by my side
He’ll never leave , I’m asking “why?”
Somehow, someway, He wanted me
Here’s my heart, here’s all of me
A bride right now, I wait for my Groom
Clothed in white, He promised it soon
Can’t wait for the day I see His face.
My Groom will come, and take me away.
I love my Lord, because He is my soul's husband.